Insurance companies, along with the brokers and agents who sell home, auto and business insurance, are committed to safeguarding your rights when you shop for insurance and when you submit a claim following a loss. Your rights include the right to be informed fully, to be treated fairly, to timely complaint resolution, and to privacy. These rights are grounded in the contract between you and your insurer and the insurance laws of your province.

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Property and casualty (P&C) primary insurers, that is, those companies which have a direct contractual relationship with the final consumer, commit to making the following information regarding their links to insurance intermediaries easily accessible on their company websites:

Compensation to insurance intermediaries insurers will explain the applicable elements of their compensation to intermediaries; including whether salary is paid, the range of basic commissions paid, and the range of contingent commissions.

Ownership and other financing links to intermediaries insurers will provide information on the kinds of financing and ownership links they may have with insurance intermediaries; including direct and indirect ownership, their being owned by a company that also owns insurance brokerages, and loans and credit facilities.


The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) after public consultations, agreed on three principles as best practices in managing actual or potential conflicts of interest. The principles promote consumer confidence in the insurance industry by outlining best practices for managing these situations when they arise. The principles are:

  • The client’s interests come first: Distributors must put the interests of policyholders and purchasers ahead of their own;
  • Make clear any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest: Consumers must receive disclosure of any actual or potential conflict of interest that is associated with a transaction or recommendation;
  • Ensure products are the right fit: Products recommended must meet the needs of the consumer.
  • Our company supports these principles. If you feel that our representatives are not following them, please let us know.

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